You have multiple payment options:
No, there are no hidden charges. All listed prices are inclusive of all taxes. We provide free shipping on all orders.
If would rather not make an online payment you can opt for Cash on Delivery. You will have to make your payment in cash during the final delivery of your order, before the order is handed over to you. The payment should be strictly in cash. Payment is only accepted in Indian Rupees.
If a replacement has been requested, then we will send you an email explaining the complete process. It will be initiated after we receive the original item from you.
Alexandre Christie India will provide a refund or replacement only if one is requested within 30 days of the receipt of your order and only under the conditions listen below:
In such cases, we require that
It usually takes 2 working days to cancel an order. You will be notified about the cancellation by call or e-mail. If the item has already been dispatched, it will take around 7 working days for the cancellation and refund process to complete, once the product is returned to our warehouse.
There are no shipping charges for any orders at
Please allow 5 to 7 business days for your order to arrive.
We make our best effort to ensure that each item in your order is shipped out within 48 working hours of the order date. However, in some cases it may take up to 5 or more working days when there are other mitigating circumstances.
Delivery times are influenced by product availability, your shipping destination and the courier partner’s time-to-deliver to your location. Please allow 5 to 7 business days for your order to arrive.
For more support, Contact Us.
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